Dr. Plum
Dr. Plum about the VenenWalker PRO
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All about Dr. Plum
The medial DocPlum
Dr. med. Herbert Plum is a passionate doctor. Until March 2014 he was self-employed as a specialist in general and sports medicine in his own practice for 33 years.
In addition, he also deals successfully with the media of television, radio and print. He is a medical expert at RTL, HarmonyFM and HitRadio FFH, Radio ENERGY and Channel21.
Find out more about Dr. Plum's most important media work in recent years.
In 2007 he produced and moderated the format Tips from Doc with general health and special lifestyle tips, which was broadcast with 70 contributions on RTL Hessen.de.
In 2008, together with RTL Hessen and HarmonyFM (FFH group), he designed the report "Fit in 100 Days", in which 4 candidates in 4 programs on TV and many broadcasts on radio in their efforts to get fit and lose a lot of pounds, were accompanied.
From October 2009 to July 2010, he presented his own program on rheinmaintv every Sunday at 7.15 p.m. under the title healthy & fit.“.
In spring 2010, TV viewers voted him the most popular health expert in Germany by a large margin in a survey
In June 2010 he shot the pilot of a new, exciting format in the field of Medicaltainment / Coaching with the title "The Health Commissioner"..
In December 2010 he was "on air" for HarmonyFM in several episodes of "Mir gehts gut" with lots of tips in the morning show AWAKENED..
Because of its great success, HarmonyFM also broadcast the series "Mir gehts gut" in December 2011 in the morning show AWAKENED with numerous new features..
From February to August 2012 he was a doctor in charge of the reality documentary "A cook in a bacon coat", in which the well-known TV chef Mirko Reeh lost more than 20 kilos with my support. This documentary was broadcast in the TV program of the Hessischer Rundfunk (HR).
Since 2013 he has been working regularly as a health expert with weekly live TV formats at Channel21. You can find more information on this in the programs "Dr. Herbert Plum - Your Health Expert", "Walkmaxx - One Step Ahead", "Daylight" and "Ogima Pro".